Saturday, August 6, 2011

A fine end or a new beginning?

So my family has officially come home. It has been a fun two weeks cooking...although I got tired making so many new recipes, I still had fun. I think that I will continue to make new and different foods from the recipes I find or create. If anybody who has read this has any ideas please just post. Otherwise, I will post as I create new and different dishes.

I found throughout all of my cooking, that I like making food when I can share it with others. It feels better to be cooking when I can share and observe how I can make things better. Also, I always make too much food anyways! I always need help eating my concoctions which is why it's great that my family is home. Now no matter how much I cook, there will always be somebody to eat it.  I also found that making simple recipes with unfamiliar spices actually are pretty good. Anything can be made tasty with just putting on the correct spices. Take the omelet that I made couple of days ago. If it were not for my friend, I never would have thought about adding Garlic or chili powder to my eggs. Now that is all I add. I learn new and different things every day. Tomorrow I think I will try some eggs with Lemon Zest and Orange Zest. Who knows? It may taste delicious or may taste gross. I guess that is the whole idea of experimenting. Making some things and not knowing what will come of it. It's all about taking a chance.

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