Saturday, August 6, 2011

An egg a day makes my rocket? Wait a minute!

I have heard two sides of the story about eggs. One side says:
-It will make cholesterol go up! DO NOT EAT DAILY OR FACE THE CONSEQUENCES!

It is like a big neon sign telling me not eat the eggs. The fear of hurting my body when I want to improve it made me rethink the whole egg scenario. I love eggs and in my freshman year in college: that was literally the only healthy thing I could eat besides watery scrambled eggs or filling myself up with a TON of fruit! Which mind you, fruit is great but when surviving the dining hall needs more than some apples and oranges to fill you up. So I attempted to look into the vast internet resources to find out what the deal is. 

Turns out: Eggs are not so bad for you! In many hits on Google, most of the top hits say that they are fine. Even the "The American Heart Association says an egg a day is fine for a healthy diet". Just everything needs to be done in moderation. One or two a day won't hurt you. It's eating like five or six a day that can do damage. Also cooking it in a lot of butter. It's like saying that having one scoop of ice cream won't hurt your body but eating a whole carton each day will. I found that portion control is very important but that is for a different day and time. 

Eggs have turned into my lifeline when walking into the dining hall in the morning. One battle has been won in the war of Student vs. Dinging hall. 

(Quote found from

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